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CIM has always been a point of reference in the field of contactless card personalization and transport card production, discover all our solutionss to satisfy your requirements.

The use of prepaid cards and transport passes for public transport has numerous advantages, such as: increased security, reduced transaction times, reduced frauds and reduced management costs for transit operations.

Therefore, cards become indispensable tools for managing public or private means of transport in a practical and safe way. Transport and parking cards can be issued with a centralized or decentralized system, in both cases CIM offers complete solutions that can manage all the complex aspects of transport card issuance and rfid card personalization using cutting-edge technologies.

If you need a centralized or decentralized issuance system for transport passes and parking cards, or an efficient and high-quality solution for prepaid card personalization, take a look at our flexible and reliable range of machines.

Our solutions for transport card issuance

sunlight    xe series    proseries    maxima